Principal’s Welcome
What makes Golden Grove unique?
The motto of the Lutheran Church of Australia is:
‘where love comes to life’. That is the essence of who we are.
1 John 4: 19 tells us:
‘We love because He first loved us’.
Golden Grove is that special place where love truly does come to life in all that we do. We’re so much more than a school – you can feel the difference as soon as you arrive.

William Wallace
Our Principal, William Wallace, is an experienced leader and educator of over twenty years’ experience in education and school leadership across primary, middle school and secondary settings.
He holds degrees in education, business administration and theology, and has been recognised for his sustained contribution to education both within schools and more broadly across principal and leadership networks as a Fellow of the Independent Primary School Heads Association of Australia and a Fellow of the Teachers’ Guild of NSW.
Mr Wallace was recognised for his achievements in school leadership as a national finalist for ‘Primary Principal of the Year’ in 2020, 2021 and 2023, and was named on ‘The Educator’s Hot List’ of the most influential figures in Australian Education in 2020.
He is a graduate of the Harvard Principals’ Academy and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
A Warm Welcome
I’m delighted to welcome you to Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School and to invite you to find out more about our amazing school. Choosing the right school for our children is one of the most important decisions that we make as parents!
We are a caring and nurturing school, set apart by our strong sense of community and welcoming atmosphere. We’re a vibrant and warm community that supports students to discover who they are, to achieve beyond what they think is possible and to provide them with the best foundation for their education as life-long learners. We enjoy small classes throughout our school, rich learning through the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, and strong student wellbeing and positive education programs.
As a child-focused school, through the IB PYP, we strive to empower each student to be active global citizens through growing their attributes as learners. We believe children are capable now, not just in the future, and nurture them to develop their individual passions and strengths.
We work hard to enable each child to ‘discover their passion’, we tailor every child’s education in seeking to optimise their learning and we help our young people to be good citizens who reflect our Christian values and are keen to make a difference in our world.
As I walk around our lovely school each day, there is rich and deep learning taking place, with children working together questioning, exploring, inquiring, creating, collaborating, problem-solving, researching, smiling and laughing with positive relationships between children and adults in abundance.
Our dedicated team has a clear focus on achieving the best outcomes for our students, and for their wellbeing, learning and spiritual growth. Grounded in our Lutheran faith on strong Christian values, we are a place where students and families are known, cared for and loved. That’s the Golden Grove experience!
At Golden Grove we live by our school values, Love, Collaborate, Explore, and the information shared throughout our website, along with our prospectus and social media sites, will provide you with a glimpse into how our values play out into practice as a school.
We enjoy a warm and engaging community where everyone can genuinely belong and all people matter.
Come for a tour, talk to our dedicated and committed students and teachers, view our facilities and consider joining one of Adelaide’s leading Christian independent Primary schools.
William Wallace
B Teach, B. Ed, M. Ed, Grad Dip Mgmt (Business Admin), Grad Cert Lead (Edu & Theol), ThC (Hons 1), MACEL, MAICD, GIAA.