Digital Technologies and STEM Education
At Golden Grove Lutheran, our students are passionate about STEM and enjoy using technology to support their learning.
STEM is an acronym for the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines. At Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School, these disciplines are taught in an integrated, cross-disciplinary way that increases student interest and develops key skills including creative thinking and problem-solving.
Our Unique STEM Opportunities
We enjoy amazing linkages to support STEM learning with ‘Tech Girls are Superheroes’ and the ‘One Giant Leap Foundation’. We have enjoyed sending postcards into space on the international space station, and growing space wattle seeds, comparing the effects of a zero gravity environment on germination and growth in comparison to a regular one, and liaised with overseas researchers in the ‘Asian Herbs in Space’ program. Many of our students participate in the Oliphant Science Awards each year, achieving outstanding results. Students also love our lunchtime technology club! The many programmes that we enjoy in this area were reflected in the school’s ‘Five Star Innovative School’ Award.
CSIRO STEM Professionals in Schools
We are also delighted to partner with the CSIRO in the STEM Professionals in Schools program, which allows for an aeronautical engineer to mentor our students . STEM Professionals in Schools is Australia’s largest national skilled volunteering program for STEM professionals and classroom educators. The program facilitates flexible, ongoing partnerships between science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals and teachers in schools across Australia.
Our mentorship arrangement enables us to work together to increase teachers’ and students’ STEM skills, knowledge and confidence through a range of activities. Our partnership is unique as the we work with our mentor determine what works best for student learning based on our combined expertise, the curriculum and student needs.
Our Approach to STEM and Digital Technologies Education
As the world around us changes, our skills need to change and adapt. Future entrepreneurs and employers will draw more heavily on collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and awareness of self and others. These skills are particularly valuable in STEM as science and digital technology become more entrenched in our everyday lives.
STEM is a holistic experience as students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in curriculum-based opportunities, electives and co-curricular or extension opportunities. This not only allows students to develop a deep love for STEM, but it also enables them to acquire the skills and knowledge to make a positive contribution as the agile and adaptable entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

Technology in GGLPS
Students from Foundation to Year 6 have appropriate access to technology on a regular basis – from iPads and desktop computers for use by our Foundation to Year 2 students, to one on one iPads for integrated learning use in Years 3-6. Students develop the learning capacities to use a range of different platforms.
We enjoy a broad range of technological, scientific and engineering devices which enable our students to engage in enjoyable activities where they are absorbed in their learning and inspired to extend themselves.
Our STEM and Digital Technologies learning at Golden Grove Lutheran is supported by a STEM and Digital Learning Co-ordinator who is a key, dedicated member of our school leadership team, providing weekly support for our students and staff in their digital technologies and STEM learning.
As a school we enjoy:
- a brand new wireless network on the NBN and supported with fibre optic cable and an integrated firewall to filter inappropriate content
- interactive smart boards or LED Display panels in every classroom enable us to deliver a rich and interactive curriculum
- all of our students having access to iPads and desktop computers to aid in their learning
- class sets of iPads in our Foundation to Year 2 classrooms ensures that mobile technology can be used throughout each year levels to enhance learning
- a 1:1 BYOD iPad programme for our Year 3- 6 students, ensuring that all students have access to technology in each lesson as required
- the use of a number of 3D printers with tailor made engineering design software (Maker’s Empire) across Foundation to Year 6
- a pool of age specific robotics and coding technology including BeeBots, Makedos and Spheros
- A clear digital technologies scope and sequence mapped against the Australian Curriculum to enable a strong foundational base and contemporary skill set and experiences for students
Families do not pay any additional fees for technology resources, apart from providing a BYOD iPad for their child upon progression into year 3 or upon entry to the school if enrolling in an upper primary year group.