Old Scholars
The Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School Old Scholars initiative commenced in 2021

Stay Connected
Having an Old Scholars focus area is somewhat unique amongst primary schools and is evidence of the special attachment that former students have for GGLPS.
We are keen to remain connected with all former students of Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School and to build friendship, connection, and support through:
- growing a sense of community among former students and families of the GGLPS and encourage old scholars to remain in contact with one another, maintaining their earliest friendships
- keeping former students and families informed of activities and ongoing development of GGLPS, providing a link between the school and old scholars
- providing an avenue for former students to support the work of GGLPS.
If you would like to join and stay in the loop, please fill in contact details below or connect with GGLPS and other old scholars through our social media pages:
Each year the school hosts a Reunion Event.
The next reunion is the 10 Year Reunion for the Year 7 class of 2015 which will be scheduled for September 2024 at the Mawson Lakes Hotel. Please register your interest by emailing [email protected]
Dates for Reunions for 2025 onwards are currently being planned. If you would be interested in attending a reunion, please email [email protected]
Update Your Details – Old Scholars
If you would like to update your details so that we can keep in touch, please complete the form below.