Our Personal School Bus Service
Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School offer a personal bus service each morning and night, collecting students (GGLPS and Endeavour College) from designated or negotiated pick up/drop off points.
The main transport hub is between Mawson Lakes and GGLPS, as per the maps below.
A number of GGLPS students are also transported from Para Hills West, Greenwith, Wynn Vale and Modbury Heights.
Our GGLPS buses also provide transport for school excursions during the day, so long as the timing does not impede the designated daily run.
For more details, please contact the School Office by phone 82826000 or by email via link below.
Bus 1 Morning Route

Bus 2 Morning Route

Bus 1 Afternoon Route

Bus 2 Afternoon Route

Costing and Charges
We do not charge GGLPS students to access the bus services to and from school, so long as the students are catching the bus along the designated route.
Endeavour College students are offered this service at an affordable cost per student:
- Full Time $202 per term
- Full Time AM or PM $101 per term
- Casual $3.50 per trip

Who can drive the bus?
Only drivers who are accredited by the school may operate the bus. The accreditation process requires the person to:
- Hold a LR/ MR licence in South Australia
- Be a registered volunteer of GGLPS
- Undertake a practical assessment with the bus coordinator